Causes & Symptoms of Baldness in Men & Women that you Should Look Out For

Causes And Symptoms Of Baldness That You Should Look Out For

Hair loss or alopecia is something that makes itself visible as you grow older. Of course, not everyone loses their hair, but it is very common to see an increase in hair loss in your fifties or sixties. This is because the hair follicles grow weak or are stunted in growth.

You can also see baldness in women and men who are in their teenage years. This kind of hair loss is not just because of age but many other factors such as genes or medical conditions and can be either temporary or permanent. Keep reading as we uncover the symptoms and causes of baldness in women and men.

Symptoms of Baldness

If you suspect that your hair is thinning or falling rapidly, the following signs and symptoms of baldness can help you figure out whether your suspicions are true.

Signs of Baldness in Men

1. Temples


In men, there is a certain pattern that is related to balding and hair loss. Pattern baldness is common when genetics is in play. You can notice this pattern by checking if the hair near your temples is receding or has thinned. Also, check for the symptoms of baldness at the top of your head, which is called the crown or vortex.

2. Receding Hairline

Your hairline is noticeable at the front of your head and near the temples. If you pull your hair back and notice that the hair that forms your hairline has started thinning or gradually receding backwards, you might be showing signs of balding. Also, the sides of your hairline recede faster than the rest of your hair. To spot a receding hairline, you can also look for an M shaped hairline.

Receding Hairline

3. Top of the Head

Top of the Head

The top of your head takes longer to bald than the rest. However, the first signs of balding here are thinning of hair and a visible scalp. Many years later, you might notice a bald spot making its appearance at the same place where your hair was thinning, so it’s important to catch the signs early on.

Signs of Baldness in Women

1. Thinning on Top

Unlike in men, where thinning is spotted on the side of the head, baldness in women first occurs at the top of the head. You will also notice your hair thinning and your scalp getting visible over time.

Thinning on Top

2. Widening Part

Widening Part

Every head of hair has a natural part. However, this is more prominent in women, who have long hair or experiment with different hairstyles that make the part stand out. If this part starts widening and pulling your hair to either side, this is a sign of baldness in women.

3. Thinning Across the Whole Head

While a receding hairline and a prominent M shape is the most common sign of balding in men, for women, this is not true. Baldness in women manifests in the form of thinning hair and a visible scalp. If your hair seems less dense or if you see certain parts of your hair getting finer than others, it is a sign of balding.

Thinning Across the Whole Head

Causes of Hair Loss

1. Genetics


The most common causes of baldness in women and men are genetics. Balding, especially pattern baldness can be passed on from one generation to the other. This kind of hair loss occurs gradually and in predictable patterns. You can also loosely determine whether you will have hair loss in the future by looking at your family history.

2. Hormonal Changes and Stress

Sometimes hair loss can occur due to a change in the hormones that your body produces. This is one of the primary causes of baldness in women but can also happen to men. Stress can also affect the growth of hair follicles and cause grey hairs and balding at an early age.

Hormonal Changes and Stress

3. Medicines and Medical Conditions

Medicines and Medical Conditions

Sometimes hair loss may be a side effect of an existing medical condition or medications. These may be temporary or permanent but you must consult your doctor for treatment options. Medications can include those taken for cancer, arthritis, depression, and high blood pressure. Medical conditions such as alopecia areata, thyroid conditions, telogen effluvium, tinea capitis and cicatricial alopecia can all cause temporary or permanent hair loss.

4. Nutritional Deficiency

If you are experiencing a nutritional deficiency, it can reduce the amount of nutrients that your hair needs to grow and lead to hair loss. This involves a deficiency of iron, vitamins (especially vitamin D and E) and proteins.

Nutritional Deficiency

Natural Treatment Options

When planning out your treatment for hair loss, it is important to keep the causes in mind. If your hair loss is due to stress or hairstyles, cutting back on the cause can be helpful. In other cases, over-the-counter medications or oils that help with hair repair can be useful. If your hair loss is a side effect of pre-existing medical conditions or medication, it is important to consult your doctor before taking any further steps.

Why Should You Use Parachute Advansed Hair Oil?

When it comes to natural treatment, Parachute Advansed Hair Oil is like no other. Its reparative properties help repair your hair and boost the growth from within the follicles. This option is also a 100% natural and organic solution to many of the causes of baldness in women and men.

Frequently Added Questions

Causes for baldness in women range from stress and different hairstyles to hereditary factors such as genes and pattern baldness. Certain medications, medical conditions or any hormonal changes can also result in balding in women.

Whether female baldness is temporary or reversible entirely depends on the reason for baldness in women. Medications can change, medical conditions can be treated and you can work on reducing your stress. However, genes cannot be altered and thus baldness, in that case, can only be minimised.


Baldness in women and men is a common issue but not anything severe. Understanding the causes and spotting the signs early can help minimise or even prevent the occurrence of balding and hair loss.

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