Make Your Hair Feel Right At Home
Dandruff is annoying and embarrassing but thankfully not long-lasting when treated properly. The good news is there are a lot of natural homemade remedies for dandruff treatments you can apply. Once you choose your preferred dandruff and itchy scalp treatment, you’ll be well on your way. Also, having a lot of options for dandruff home remedies will help you get rid of dandruff easily, with the proper means to remove dandruff and control hair fall nothing is impossible.
If you don’t have your Parachute Advansed natural hair oil with coconut oil and Vitamin E solution to help prevent and reduce dandruff and hair fall, you can’t go wrong with the following dandruff home treatments and remedies.
List of Natural remedies for dandruff:
1. Baking Soda

Baking Soda is as an effective dandruff remedy. Simply dampen your hair and sprinkle a handful of baking soda onto your scalp and massage thoroughly. At first, it will seem as your scalp is drying up, but this is normal for it to enact the essential oils it triggers.
Rinse with water.
2. Aspirin
Aspirin has a pivotal role in keeping Dandruff away and it is considered one of the most effective dandruff home remedies. Just crush two Aspirins into powder and add it to your regular shampoo. Shampoo your hair and rinse after two to three minutes.

3. Yoghurt

While consuming a bowl of yoghurt soothes an itchy scalp, applying in, helps combat dandruff altogether and is considered one of the best home remedy for dandruff and itchy scalp. Simply apply the yoghurt, and let it rest for 15 minutes to Half an Hour. Rinse with water and wash again with a small amount of your preferred shampoo. Yoghurt provides a ton of healthy bacteria that help to prevent flaking.
4. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a great dandruff remedy as it reduces skin irritation and has a moisturizing effect. It reduces flakiness and itchiness and provides soothing relief from dandruff. Its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties further protect your scalp from dandruff. Apply aloe vera gel directly on your scalp and leave for about half an hour. Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.

5. Natural Coconut

One of the best dandruff home remedies is natural coconut oil as it hydrates the scalp and prevents dryness and flakiness in its bid to rid you of dandruff. Much like Aloe Vera, it too also boasts numerous antimicrobial and antifungal benefits. Gently massage organic coconut oil into your scalp and leave for a few hours.
Rinse using a mild shampoo, you can also use Parachute Advansed hair oil.
6. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are widely known as one of the greatest home remedies to remove dandruff because they are rich in protein which helps in strengthening our roots and provide ample moisture for our scalps in turn, preventing dryness, hair fall and dandruff. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight then grind into a paste. Apply by massaging into the scalp and hair and let it sit for 15 – 20 minutes. Rinse using a mild shampoo.

Frequently Added Questions
Typically, the following are causes of Dandruff.
A- Dry Skin
Especially in the colder, winter months, hair tends to get drier so proper moisturizing is key to maintaining a flake-free feeling.
B- Lack of Shampooing
Though too much may cause problems, a lack of it may cause a buildup of oils along your scalp triggering a flow of dandruff. Simply shampoo in moderation and frequently enough to breakdown the greasy residue accumulating on your scalp.
C- Allergies
It’s not just the change of seasons that can activate reactions. Try changing up your products to more sensitive offerings if you notice irritation or feel soreness. In some cases, there’s no pain without gain, so you may have to try a process of elimination to find the source.
D- Medical Condition
Seborrheic Dermatitis is a chronic medical condition that affects the areas of the body where there are oil glands, like the scalp. It is commonly characterized by dandruff as well as redness and looks similar to other typical skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema or a simple allergic reaction. For severe cases consult a medical professional or for lighter cases try change up your skincare routine.
While Dandruff itself is not a fungus it is triggered by one called Malassezia, which causes skin cells to multiply a lot quicker than in the average person.
While it depends on your conditions and symptoms, if your scalp is too dry or too oily then you probably should be using a specialized and mild, natural shampoo.
Before Heading Out:
Dandruff causes itchy, flaky skin on the scalp and can impact your self-esteem and self-confidence. While there are many natural home remedies for dandruff and hair fall, not all dandruff home treatments work for everyone. We recommend that if you suffer from an underlying skin condition or are experiencing severe dandruff and hair fall, to consult a medical professional before trying a new natural remedy.
Explore our blog section to read more about topics such as causes of dandruff, Effective Treatment for dandruff, and so on to get rid of hair problems such as dandruff naturally at home and make your hair thicker & stronger.