How to stop hair fall?

How to Stop Hair Fall

Is Hair Fall Letting You Down?

Sometimes your hair acts like it has a mind of its own. No matter what you do, it just won’t listen to what it’s told. It won’t sit still and is going all over the place. The good news is that you can havea good hair day everyday by learning how to reduce hair fall. In order to earn how to prevent hair fall, we must first understand whyhair falls.

There are many factors for hair fall, some preventable, others inevitable but all treatable. Hair fall can be rooted in hormonal changes, genes, pregnancy, infections of the scalp, stress, alopecia, thyroid disorders, medication or ration therapy, iron deficiencies, sudden changes to your diet, styling or taking too many supplements. While the factors are many, the remedies on how to reduce hair fall are more.

If you don’t have your Parachute Advansed natural hair oil with coconut oil and Vitamin E solution to help prevent and reduce hair fall, there are other different techniques you can choose, to see how to prevent hair fall.

1. Wash and Condition

How to Reduce Hair Fall

Shampooing is required, but not enough. Apply a bit of conditioner along the hair follicles up to but not including the scalp, provides the necessary amino acids that nourish, repair and replenish hair fall and breakage.

What You Need:

Preferred Shampoo and Conditioner

What To Do:

Shampoo and Condition your hair per your normal routine

When To Apply:

As often as your hair deems fit, however we recommend you to not overuse itas this will cause your hair to become frizzy.

2. Diet

A lot of times, hair fall is caused by nutritional deficiencies. Hence, a healthy diet is key for a healthy head of hair.

What You Need:

Foods rich in Vitamins A, B, C, D and E, Iron, Protein and Fatty Acids as they are considered key elements in helping to control hair fall.

What To Do:

Cook and/or consume healthy foods in moderation. Make sure you have a balanced diet.

When To Apply:

At the times of your choosing, in moderation

How to Control Hair Fall

3. Exercise

How to Prevent Hair Fall

How can you stop hair fall? a healthy body translates into healthy hair. When you have a good workout, you balance your hormones and bring peace-of-mind to yourself, which reduces stress and benefits your hair.

What You Need:


What To Do:

Half an hour of cardio, like riding a bicycle around town or in stationary, running or jogging, skipping ropes or speed walks.

When To Apply:

Whenever you can

4. Treat Responsibly

When your hair doesn’t listen, sometimes you force it to bend your way. But to keep both of you happy, try to avoid chemical-based products and dyes and opt for natural solutions. Also, do not expose to excessive and continued heat by a hair-dryer.

What You Need:

Natural Products and Dyes that do not include Bleach as is found in chemical-based products

What To Do:

Use responsibly

When To Apply:

As instructed by Natural Product instructions

How to Control Hair Fall

5. Hair Oils

How to Stop Hair Fall

Hair Oils provide added nutrition to your hair creating stronger follicles that prevent hair fall and breakage from repeated washing.

What You Need:

Hair Oil, such as coconut, sesame, almond(we recommend Parachute Advansed)

What To Do:

Apply by massaging the oil in your scalp and along your hair.
Let soak as per oil instructions

When To Apply:

According to instruction of Hair Oil and hair type.

6. Deep Scalp Massage

Never underestimate the benefits of a good head massage. Not only does it enable hair to grow thicker, but it also relieves stress in all its forms, which a major factor in hair fall.

What You Need:

Clean Hands

What To Do:

Massage your scalp for a few minutes

When To Apply:

Whenever you need a breath to yourself

How to Stop Hair Fall

Before Heading Out:

Hair will fall like time will pass. But just like you can make plans for a good time, you can take measure to prevent hair fall. Just remember, to wash it regularly but not comb it when it’s wet because that’s when it’s at its weakest. Exercise, eat well and don’t stress out! Keep yourself hydrated and regularly massage your scalp. If the above doesn’t work and for severe or hereditary cases it is always best to consult a medical professional for an expert opinion.

Explore our blog section to read more about topics such as Easy Hair Growth Tips To Naturally Grow Hair Faster, and so on to get rid of hair fall & make your hair thicker & stronger.

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