زيت جوز الهند الغني بالصبار لديه رائحة لطيفة ويمكن استخدامه بشكل يومي كما أنه آمن للشعر المصبوغ.
متوفر بحجم ١٥٠مل و٢٥٠مل.
كيفية الاستخدام: للإستخدام قبل الإستحمام، ضعي زيت الشعر على شعرك ودلكي فروة رأسك بلطف بأطراف أصابعك.
بعد الإستحمام: ضعيه على طول الشعر لتثبيت مظهره.
– يحتوي على مزيج فريد من الصبار وجوز الهند.
– رائحته لطيفة، غير لزج وسهل الغسيل.
– يغذي الجذور ١٠ طبقات أعمق.
– يزيد من قوة الشعر ونعومته ولمعانه مع كل استخدام.
– يمكن استخدامه قبل وبعد غسل الشعر.
Stronger, Softer & Silkier hair

Nothing can take care of your hair like nature!
With the goodness of Coconut & the care of Aloe Vera, Parachute Advansed brings a hair oil that penetrates 10 layers deep into the roots of your hair to give it deep nourishment and make it stronger, softer and shinier.
While Coconut oil stimulates the roots of the hair to promote growth of stronger hair, Aloe Vera moisturizes dry hair to add luster & softness, making it look naturally gorgeous.
Aloe-enriched Coconut hair oil has a pleasant fragrance, can be used on colored hair & can be used daily if needed.

So your hair is stronger from inside!

Because soft can now be strong!

So you hair never stops being gorgeous!
Nourishes the scalp up to 10 layers deep!

When scalp is not nourished well, hair becomes weak from the roots which can lead to hairfall. Dry scalp will have dandruff build up and hair will start to feel dull & dry.

Parachute Advansed provides 10 layers deep nourishment. This means that the oil penetrates the scalp up to 10 layers into the skin, activating the roots of the hair and making hair strongly rooted to the scalp.

When scalp is nourished 10 layers deep, hair becomes stronger from the roots. Scalp is moisturized and dandruff is controlled.
Hair becomes stronger, softer and radiates a long lasting healthy shine.
Nature’s best kept secret for beautiful hair!
At Parachute Advansed, we care for your hair. Whether it’s Aloe Vera or Coconut Oil, we ensure that your hair gets the best from nature, making it absolutely desirable. Try it yourself and discover the results.

Andrew –