لأن باراشوت ادفانسد يحتوي على زيت جوز الهند طبيعي ١٠٠٪، فإنه يتجمد في درجات الحرارة ٢٥ درجة مئوية وهي علامة النقاء. لإعادته لصورته السائلة، فقط أغمري العبوة في ماء دافئ قبل الاستخدام.
يمكنك استخدامه بشكل يومي لأنه طبيعي ١٠٠٪.
متوفر بحجم ١٧٠مل و٣٠٠مل.
كيفية الاستخدام: ضعي زيت الشعر على شعرك ودلكي فروة رأسك بلطف بأطراف أصابعك.
– يحتوي على مزيج فريد من فيتامين ه وجوز الهند.
– رائحته لطيفة، غير لزج وسهل الغسيل.
– يغذي الجذور ١٠ طبقات أعمق.
– يزيد كثافة وقوة الشعر مع كل استخدام.
100% Natural Oil for Thicker, Fuller hair

Nothing can take care of your hair like nature!
With the goodness of Coconut & the power of Vitamin E, Parachute Advansed brings a 100% natural hair oil that penetrates 10 layers deep into the roots of your hair to give it deep nourishment and make it thicker, stronger and naturally beautiful hair.
As Parachute Advansed contains 100% natural coconut oil, it freezes under the temperature of 25 °C. Freezing is a symbol of purity. To liquefy, just immerse the pack in warm water before usage.
Since the oil is 100% natural, it can be used daily.
Nourishes the scalp up to 10 layers deep!

When scalp is not nourished well, hair becomes weak from the roots. Dry scalp also leads to flakiness or dandruff.
Hair weak from the roots along with a dry scalp is what leads to hairfall.

Parachute Advansed provides 10 layers deep nourishment. This means that the oil penetrates the scalp up to 10 layers into the skin, activating the roots of the hair and making hair strongly rooted to the scalp.

When scalp is nourished 10 layers deep, hair becomes stronger from the roots. Scalp is moisturized and dandruff is controlled.
Hair becomes thicker and fuller and radiates a long lasting healthy shine.
Nature’s best kept secret for beautiful hair!
At Parachute Advansed, we care for your hair. What makes us unique is the unique blend of natural Vitamin E with natural coconut oil, which work together to make your hair absolutely desirable. Try it yourself and discover the results..

Amira –
Very good oil for hair, scalp. I used 3 times, saw less dandruff. 100 percent natural as said by seller 👍Will buy again
Siva_dubai –
Nice perfume. Feel refreshed after usage.100% Genuine product. Thanks to amazon
Binu thankachan –
Very effective
Keeps the hair Healthy and made of pure coconut oil….smell is very nice…..
Ali Al Rahma –
Helped with my hair by thickening it.
Muhammed Suhail –
Good product