Before you can start a skincare routine for acne and discover the proper one for you, you need to understand acne. Acne is troublesome for most, but you need to understand that it is a normal part of your life. Everyone, at some point has gotten acne, and thankfully, there are simple methods that you can adopt to get rid of it. There are a lot of routines that you can adopt, but for the best results, just read more to find the best acne-prone skincare routine that suits you.
Acne can be both non-inflammatory and inflammatory, with non-inflammatory being the mildest form where pores are clogged, and blackheads or whiteheads appear. Once reddening occurs, it is classified as inflammatory and may take one of the various unpleasant forms which needs more care and attention. To prevent the formation of acne, especially the inflammatory kind, we will take you through various acne-prone skincare routines that will help you in the long run.
Know Your Acne to find thebest acne regimen:
1- Whiteheads
Whiteheads are non-inflammatory and are the most common manifestation of acne on all kinds of skin. They normally occur due to clogged pores.
2- Blackheads
Just like whiteheads, blackheads are non-inflammatory and formed due to blockage in your pores. This blockage may happen due to bacteria settling on your skin. They are larger than whiteheads and oxidize the oil in the pore, creating the blackhead.
3- Hormonal
Acne can also be caused due to changes in your hormones or hormonal conditions, such as your period. Such kinds of acne are non-inflammatory and formed due to an increase in your oil production which then ends up filling your pores.
4- Blind Pimples
Blind pimples are non-inflammatory forms of pimples and seem to take root beneath your skin. They also tend to cause swelling and pain if you provoke it by touch.
5- Papule
Papules are Inflammatory and caused due to a buildup of bacteria beneath your skin. Usually, they appear as red bumps which are quite painful and should be left alone as they can become downright painful.
6- Pustules
Pustules turn up as inflammatory acne. They are formed due to bacteria reaching the head of a pimple and ballooning. They take the shape of a much larger looking whitehead.
7- Cysts
Cysts are Inflammatory acne which are formed due to blocked pores that have become infected. Since they are caused due to infection, cysts can sometimes be a serious condition that requires medical attention. However, most cysts just take time to heal and require a little bit of care. They can also be painful and come off as large and red acne.
While often associated with oily skin, we are all prone to acne due to various factors, such as the ones mentioned above. Skincare routines for acne are proven to help against these kinds of acne and to get you the best acne routine and skincare routine in general. A key component to combating acne requires you to know your skin type.
A simple test done at home can tell you what type of skin you have. Baby soap works best but any mild soap/cleanser will do. Wash your face with the soap/cleanser, dry it gently and let it sit for a few hours without any makeup, products or hands! Make sure to not use your hands or pop out any zits and follow the skincare routine for acne scars so you can have flawless skin in no time.
The Results:
Normal Skin Type- not oily or dry
Oily Skin Type- a greasy feel
Dry Skin Type: itchy, flaky and feels tight
Sensitive Skin Type- redness, irritation, swelling
Combination Skin Type- oily forehead and dry cheeks
If you don’t have your Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Skin moisturizer by Parachute Advansed we recommend you include it into your acne care routine. This moisturizer gives more absorbent moisture that hydrates and smooths your skin, and takes a more impactful stance against acne and better skincare in general. We’ve provided some tips below that can help you deal with your acne. Some of these tips are part of well-known Korean acne skincare regimes that are used by millions across the globe with fabulous results.
1. Cleanse

It is vital to cleanse your skin twice a day, even more so for those skin types prone to acne. Cleansing your skin regularly helps to eliminate all the oil, dirt and bacteria that clog your pores. You can cleanse your skin by simply using a gentle dab or mild cleanser that is sulphate-free to dissolve impurities without irritating your skin. Make sure that you do this routine during the morning after you wake up and at night before going to bed.
2. Toner
One of the major steps for the best skincare routine for acne-prone skin is toning! Toning is an activity that one must include in their morning skincare regime as well as at nighttime ritual. Open your pores by using toner and allow them to prepare to absorb and get ready for the next step.

3. Moisturize

Keep your skin hydrated and healthy by applying a nice moisturiser. Moisturiser is often considered one of the most important products for your skin. Some moisturisers also do the work of cleansers of sunscreens, so check what your moisturiser contains, for fear of doubling up on any step. Apply this before going to bed and the subsequent morning for best results. Hydration provided by the moisturiser is the key to keep those pores free. This is true for even those with oily skin. In the evenings, you will find this as a suitable night cream, so do not combine too many products into your regimen, as using just this is also fine.
4. Sunscreen
A nice coat of SPF is imperative on a daily basis to protect your skin. Using SPF in the morning before you step into the sun and replenish it in the daytime as a rule. You should never skip this step if you are dealing with acne. This is because many treatments leave your skin susceptible to exposure to sunlight resulting in premature ageing, skin growths and cancer. Kindly note, if your moisturiser already contains SPF, you can skip this step.

5. Treatment Product

Treatment products are the backbones of any acne treatment. When used every night along with your nighttime skincare regimen, they expedite the downfall of your acne. But remember, the battle against acne is one that is not won overnight so being patient with your products is just as important!
Some Other Things You May Want To Consider:
Touching your face all the time can lead to acne and a reduction in the moisturiser that your skin stores. That can lead to some disastrous results that you do not want to deal with.
Don’t stress
A high amount of stress can lead to breakouts in your skin. This is because when your brain is under duress, so is your skin and acting out is the natural response.
Stay out of the Sun
While sunscreens and moisturisers with SPF do a pretty good job, staying out of the sun is your safest bet to reduce risk. Staying indoors as much as you can or carrying an umbrella can drastically reduce the risk of acne due to the harmful rays of the sun.
Exercise is sweaty and tiresome and all that sweat can build up to cause acne if not washed off and treated properly. But, exercise also keeps your body and subsequently, your skin healthy. It encourages blood flow and gives you a natural glow.
Eat well
Junk food, saturated fats and too much oily food promote the development of acne on your skin. On the other hand, having healthy fruits and green, leafy vegetables are great for improving the health of your skin. You must understand that taking care of your insides reflects on your skin.
Having at least two litres of water is extremely important for your body to function healthily. Just hydrating your skin through moisturisers can only go so far. Learn to drink a lot of water and space it out throughout the day to obtain the best results for your skin.
Keep clean bedsheets
You may keep a clean body, but are your surroundings clean too? Germs and bacteria can easily grow on unclean surfaces, such as your bedsheets. This can then cling to your skin and affect the surface, making acne breakout. Keeping clean sheets is the best way to go.
Exfoliating to remove all the leftover acne and dirt on your face is a great way to get rid of the extra damage on your skin. However, you must ensure that you do not over exfoliate as that’s not good for your skin.
Face masks from trusted brands are a great way to cleanse your face and cool your skin. They are also available with many different variations to support different skin types and purposes. This means that you can customise your face mask use with whatever you’re looking for.
Review your hair care products
Sometimes, the problem may be as simple as your current hair care products. Some products are suitable for only a certain type of mane and using it on yours can do more harm than good. Therefore, pay attention to what your hair is reacting to your existing products and change it up if you have to.
Don’t pick, poke or prod at your pimples!
Lastly, and most importantly, do not, under any circumstances, poke or prod at your pimples. This only enrages the skin and leads to nasty marks and delay in the healing process. Sometimes, poking can also lead for a disastrous fall out and cause more pimples.
Frequently Added Questions
If you are prone to acne and want a way to work around it and minimise breakouts, your first step would be to establish your skin time. Once you have done that recognise the reasons behind your acne and whether it corresponds with specific events in your life. You can then go ahead and use the handy step by step guide, detailed above, to create a skincare routine that is specific to you. Here is the basic gist of the steps you will need to follow when making a regimen:
Cleansing – Toning – Moisturising – Sunscreen Use – Treatment Product
While there are ways to speed up the process of clearing your acne, you must remember that getting rid of it entirely is a game of exercising patience. You can however, use Honey, Honey & Cinnamon, Green Tea, Aloe Vera, Tea Tree Oils, Rosemary Extracts, Aspirin, Cucumber Ice, Jojoba Oils, and Apple Cider Vinegar as to speeden up the process. All these ingredients are 100% natural home remedies that might just do the trick for your skin.
You can clear acne by paying attention to what your skin needs and practising hygiene. Wash your face and cleanse as a general rule. Also, use toner, apply moisturizer. Sunscreen and treatment product before you exfoliate. Make sure to hydrate your skin and try to limit time in the sun. Sleeping well and exercising regularly as well as eating healthier is also equally important to maintain acne-free, clear skin.
Having acne is never a pleasant experience, but it can be especially tough for it to pop out when you’re waiting for a special occasion. During these times, it is important to catch it early and prevent it as best as you can. Early signs include the occurrence of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, small red bumps, and large lumps beneath the skin.
Before Popping Out:
A coat of great skin is not genetic. When it comes down to it, you must be willing to do the hard work and once you achieve results, you must work harder to keep it that way. Even with these steps, acne is a very natural thing that can happen to your skin. So, just remember to chill out, put on a brave face and keep to a reliable acne face routine. With all the steps for an acne-prone skincare routine… we’re certain that it will test your patience, but rest assured, you should see improvement within 3 months from beginning a proper and thorough skin care treatment for acne. Please also remember not to blindly follow someone else’s skincare routine as every skin is different, and what might suit others might not suit you. In the end, it is aboout listening to your skin and what it wants so that you can minimise the occurrence of breakouts and acne.
For more serious cases and to be able to find the best clear skin routines for acne-prone skin for your case specifically, please visit a dermatologist and chart out the best course for you.
Explore our blog section to read more about topics such as different Home Remedies for Pimple, How to repair sun damage skin, Winter Skin Care Routine and so on to get rid of skin problems naturally at home.