Easy to Follow Tips to Get Softer Hair

Tips for Softer Hair

Have you ever dreamed of having silky soft locks that you can run your fingers through without them getting stuck? We’re often plagued with dry, dull hair that may bring down our entire look and even our mood. Having the soft locks that you only see on television commercials is an end goal for most of us. But there’s a lot of practices that can stop the growth and shine. To achieve a softer hair type, we need to stop all the heat and styling products that most of us are guilty of falling for. Curling, ironing, and styling can put your hair under a lot of stress and treatment such as colouring your hair can also cause damage.

Whether you’ve already guilty of these or want to do so in the future, it is essential to take a little extra care to repair your hair from now onwards. So how to make your hair soft and smooth? We list out some of the best tips for soft hair that can be quickly done at home.

Know your Hair Type

If you’ve ever googled how to get soft hair, you have probably been overwhelmed by the different methods for different hair types. This is because there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to softer hair. You must identify your hair type before working on the necessary TLC that it needs. Being as specific as you can only give you better results.

For example, if you have curly hair, you’re bound to need more moisture, but knowing what kind of curls you have may help you treat your hair and the amount of product you use. For straight hair, you may have to deal with oily days, and the treatment may be entirely different for your hair type. Furthermore, the climate you live in and the season can also change the way your hair behaves.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is considered to be one of the most effective products in the hair care industry. It can penetrate deep into your scalp and work to maintain your hair’s smooth and soft glow. It is also a remedy for problems such as dandruff, stunted growth and breakage.

Use a Weekly Hair Mask

If you do not want to apply oils directly to your scalp, using them as a hair mask may be the next best thing. Hair masks are a less harsh treatment and take time to achieve softer hair. Use them on damp hair after shampoo to get the best results and make sure you keep the mask for at least 10 minutes.

Hair Mask

Bentonite clay

Bentonite clay

Bentonite clay is a volcanic substance that is mixed with water or vinegar to form a thick paste. It works the same way as a hair mask and provides an easy soft hair remedy. The clay balances the moisture in your hair and even helps with reducing a dry scalp, therefore eradicating dandruff.

Don’t wash your hair with hot water

Hot water is harsh when used on dull and dry hair. It adds to the fragility of wet hair and can make it easier for your hair to get damaged during the wash. Opt for lukewarm water to wash your hair, and rinse the excess product out with cold water.

Hot Water

Wash strategically

Wash Hair strategically

Strategic washing can only happen if you’re aware of your hair type and how your scalp and ends behave. If you have dry hair but an oily scalp, it is essential not to over-moisturise the parts which seem to be oily. Use your conditioner from the mid-portion to your ends without treating your scalp. Also, make sure that you only shampoo your scalp in this case. Adjust your washes according to your hair.

Wash only as often as needed

Washing only as often as needed and strategically can solve most of your doubts about how to have soft hair. If you have dry hair, shampoo only once a week or in 10 days and use the co-wash strategy. If you have oily hair, you might have to shampoo every 2 or 3 days. Customise your routine accordingly, and make sure you stick to it.

Go easy with heated tools

Heating tools are one of the biggest propagators of damaged hair. These include curling irons, flat irons, treatment tools, etc and they make hair weak and lead to a lot of hair fall and damage. Reduce the frequency of usage and make sure to use the tools with a heat protectant and at the lowest setting to reduce damage. Also, ensure that you don’t use heat when your hair is completely wet as this will cause breakage.

Heated tools

Avoid certain hairstyles

Hairstyles that include a lot of twists and twirls and go against the natural flow of your hair can add stress to your hair. Using elastic bands for elongated periods can also cause your hair to pull against the shaft, causing excess hair fall. Cut back on hairstyles that pull or stretch your hair in the opposite direction to its natural fall.

Go easy on chemical treatments

Chemical treatments

Frequent chemical treatments such as perms, colouring and blowouts can make your hair temporarily fabulous but can lead to long term damages. Try reducing the frequency of such treatments and switch to natural methods.

Frequently Added Questions

Using the above tips will help you to repair hair and keeping your hair healthy by having a set routine helps to keep them soft and silky.

Soft hair is a great indicator of the health of your hair. Softer hair means that your hair is stronger and receives an adequate amount of moisture to sustain itself through the week.

You can try any of the hair tips mentioned above to get naturally soft hair. Parachute Advansed hair care products also provide a natural solution to your requirements.


It is important to pay attention to what your hair needs. This will not only keep your well being healthy but also improve your overall look. With these Hair Tips, we hope that you get an effective and natural solution to your hair care problems.

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