Tips to Cover Grey Hair Naturally

Tips for naturally Grey Hair

Grey Hair, is there anything more dreaded to remind you of the time gone by? Honestly, not all of us are ready to turn into Silver Vixens and Silver Foxes. Along with wrinkles, grey hair is a nightmare, but it is a nightmare with various solutions, and we will provide you with some remedies on how to cover grey hair and how to find the best natural hair dye for grey hair.

Remedies for homemade hair dye for grey hair:

1. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice

Coconut oil
Lemon Juice

Coconut hair oil is practically a magic elixir when it comes to essential oils for dry, damaged hair. The oil is the solution and treatment for brittle hair, dandruff, and other scalp issues. Using coconut oil for dry, damaged hair means that your locks will be coated and protected from heat exposure and external factors. The oil encourages hair growth and keeps your hair shiny and healthy by giving it a boost of protein. Since the oil is dense, use it as a mask or pre-shampoo for thinner hair, but if you have thicker curls, you can use it daily as well. For brittle hair, try a more targeted approach that doesn’t go near your scalp, as this can lead to build-up and further damage.

What You Need:
2 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
Combine the ingredients together in a bowl
Massage thoroughly into your hair and scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes
Wash your hair with a mild sulphate-free shampoo
When to Do:
Twice a week

2. Fenugreek Seeds

Here is another way on how to cover grey hair naturally, Fenugreek Seeds!

Fenugreek Seeds

These seeds contain the necessary properties and acids to delay any signs of premature ageing.
What You Need:
1/4 Cup Fenugreek Seeds
1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
What To Do:
In a pan, heat the coconut oil and bring to a boil
Once boiling, add the Fenugreek Seeds
Leave on heat for approx. eight minutes
Set the pan aside to cool down
Once cooled, strain the seed s and store the juice in a container
Use two tbsp of the juice and thoroughly massage into your hair and scalp
Leave overnight
Wash your hair with a mild sulphate-free shampoo
When to Do:
2-3 times a week

3. Hot Oils

A good regimen of regular oiling keeps your hair healthy and covers grey hair naturally. While the majority of oils prevent greying, there are some oils like Black Seed Oil that act as a natural hair dyes for grey hair and darken the hair follicles over time.
What You Need:
2-3 tbsps of hair oil (Olive, Jojoba, Black Seed or Black Castor Oil)
Hot Towel (dampen towel by soaking in hot water)
What To Do:
Heat oil to a lukewarm temperature
Massage thoroughly into your scalp and your hair (10-15 minutes)
Wrap your head with a hot towel and let sit for 30 minutes
Wash your hair with a mild sulphate-free shampoo
When To Do:
2-3 times a week

Hot Oils

4. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is another natural hair dye for grey hair that reverses the effect of grey hair by restoring the natural color to the hair follicles. It can take up to three months to notice visible change of using this chemical-free hair dye for grey hair.
What You Need:
1/4 Cup Blackstrap Molasses
What To Do:
Rinse your hair in lukewarm water then towel-dry it
Lather Molasses thoroughly into the scalp and along the hair follicles and cover completely
Let it sit for 30 minutes
Wash your hair in cool water with a mild sulphate-free shampoo
When To Do:
2-3 times a week

NOTE: You can consume two tbsp of Molasses daily to achieve similar results

5. Sage Water Treatment

This is one of the most powerful ayurvedic remedies for greying hair. It restores the hair’s natural colour and thwarts the progression of greying.
What You Need:
A Handful of Sage Leaves
Two Cups of Water
What To Do:
Boil the Sage leaves then let them sit, soaking for 15 minutes
Once it cools down, pour it onto your head and make sure the entirety of your hair is covered
Let it sit for two hours
Wash your hair with a mild sulphate-free shampoo
When To Do:
Once a week

Sage Water Treatment

6. Potato Peel Rinse

Potato Peel Rinse

Who knew that potatoes could be used more than just fries! This is a chemical-free hair dye for grey hair and the most effective anti-greying natural home remedy you can find. The thick starch provides a coat over the grey hair and increases the pigmentation of the hair follicles.
Below is the step-by-step process on how to cover grey hairnaturally with potato peels!
What You Need:
The Peels of 6 Potatoes
2 Cups of Water
What To Do:
Boil the potato peels until they form a thick starchy state
Once cooled, remove the peels, and pour the liquid onto your head
Apply thoroughly into your scalp and along the hair follicles
Do not rinse out
When To Do:
Once or twice a week

Frequently Added Questions

A thorough hot oil massage once a week, that digs deep into the scalp is the best way to contain frizzy grey hair. These oils, such as coconut, argan or shea, are recommended for all hair types for their effectiveness in providing everyday healthy hair.

Grey hair tends to absorb a lot more moisture than regular hair, so regular conditioning and hot oils can give it a nice smooth outer layer that is gentler to the touch.

You can’t restore hair that’s already gone grey to its former color unless you dye it. However, you may be able to preserve the rest of your color and delay the inevitable for a bit longer by making a few lifestyle changes, as mentioned in this blog.

Before Heading Out:

Grey hair is a natural progression to time but hits some of us harder than others. That may be attributed to genes, medical conditions, deficiency of nutrients, overexposure to heat, smoking, and stress. But remember to be patient and stick to the routine and try some of these best natural hair dyes for grey hair that we shared with you today.

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