Learn About Wet Dandruff & Its Treatment

Sticky Dandruff

Wet dandruff can be a sticky subject to talk about (pun intended). Before we get into what causes wet dandruff, let’s first discuss what it is and how it comes to be. Underneath your scalp, there are sebaceous glands that produce the natural oils that keep your hair and scalp from drying out. The oil is referred to as sebum. If those glands begin to overproduce oils, your scalp begins to become sticky and attracts dirt as well as dead skin cells. These form into wet dandruff because it is formed on a moist layer of your scalp. It is important to make the distinction between having a moist scalp and a dry one. In both cases, dandruff may occur as a result. However, when you have a dry scalp, the dandruff is not wet and is formed due to your scalp breaking down and little particles coming off. With wet dandruff, it is more of a sticky situation (once again, pun intended). There is no specific wet dandruff treatment, but some options on how to get rid of wet dandruff will be discussed in this blog post. We know that sticky dandruff on the scalp is not our friend, so keep reading below to find out how to rid yourself of it.


You’re probably wondering “why me?”, but the causes of wet dandruff are very simple and straightforward. There is no mystery to it, really. The first cause of sticky dandruff is hormonal changes. These changes may be caused by puberty, or in most cases by an unusual amount of stress. Crazy right? You can be stressed at work or home, and as a result, your sebaceous glands start over-producing sebum, leading to wet scalp dandruff. Other than hormonal changes, another common cause of wet dandruff is a poor shampooing routine. If you do not scrub your scalp well enough or for long enough, you won’t get rid of dandruff you’re that has long plagued you. If you don’t clean your scalp well enough, as a result, there will be a buildup of dead skin cells that can cause wet dandruff.

Back to the difference between wet and dry dandruff. Dry dandruff is the more common one of the two. It looks like little white flakes and can fall onto your shoulders. Dry dandruff is usually not linked with redness or irritation and is more present during winter than in the summer months. On the other hand, wet dandruff looks more yellow, and it sticks to your hair (by being wet). It does not fall off as easily as dry dandruff due to the fact that it adheres to your hair shaft. Wet dandruff is a different breed of dandruff, that is usually more long-lasting and can cause irritation and heavy itching because your scalp remains wet. Because wet dandruff sticks around for long, you need to find some natural ways to get rid of it. Home remedies are the easiest, and perhaps the most efficient to rid yourself of this frustrating hair condition.

There may not be a single perfect wet dandruff treatment, here are a few that may work for you:

1. Aloe Vera Gel

Sticky Dandruff

The first natural solution for wet dandruff is aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is rich in cleansing enzymes such as oxidase, amylase, and catalase. Furthermore, it also contains vitamins such as B, C, and E. When you get a sunburn, you can’t stop itching your whole body and treatment with aloe vera gel is normally advised. The reason they tell you to do this on the irritated areas is that it soothes itchiness and lessens inflammation. On top of all of this, it can also get rid of oil buildup as well as dead skin cells. You will need 1) aloe vera gel, 2) a towel, and 3) hot water. Here’s how to apply it: First, put the aloe vera gel all over your scalp and hair. Then, use some hot water and soak the towel in it, getting rid of the excess water afterwards. Wrap the hot towel around your head, and then wait for around 30 minutes. Finally, remove the towel after the time has passed and wash your hair normally with shampoo. Repeat this up to three times a week, until desired results are reached.

2. Coconut Oil

The second natural solution to wet dandruff is coconut oil. Coconut oil is one of the most versatile and dynamic oils out there. You may be doubtful of using oil to treat the oiliness, but coconut oil can work wonders for you. To make use of coconut oil as a sticky dandruff treatment use one to two tablespoons of coconut oil, massage it into your scalp and then leave for around one hour. Then shampoo your hair as usual. Repeat up to two times a week.

Sticky Dandruff

3. Fenugreek Seeds

Sticky Dandruff

This last natural remedy may not be the most conventional, but it is definitely effective. Fenugreek seeds have antibacterial as well as antifungal properties, which can help alleviate the causes of wet dandruff. All you need is two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds, which you will soak in water overnight. The next day, grind the seeds to form a paste. Apply this paste all over your head and leave it on for about half an hour. Rinse and shampoo like you normally would, making sure you get it all out of your hair. Repeat this twice a week.

Frequently Added Questions

No, greasy dandruff should not cause hair loss on its own. However, if your scalp is inflamed and itchy and you proceed with itching, it might damage your hair follicles and slow down the process of hair growth.

In order to stop dandruff, you need to use natural home remedies, such as the ones recommended above.

To wrap things up, dandruff can be very irritating and cause a bunch of other problems subsequently. Therefore, treating it as early as possible and using natural remedies is the most effective way to tackle this hair problem. Greasy dandruff can be quite a burden, so the sooner you classify what kind of dandruff you have, and start taking the necessary steps to stop the situation from worsening, the better. Don’t worry about your appearance too much, everyone will probably have some form of dandruff at some point in their life. It is a very common hair issue that millions deal with. Just make sure you deal with it the right way.

Explore our blog section to read more about topics such as does dandruff cause hair loss, Home Remedies for Dandruff and Hair fall, What are the different Types of Dandruff & Which is the Best dandruff removal oil to get rid of hair problems naturally at home.

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